Day 18 – Journey to the Cross – Pastor Kevin Lautar
Hello First Family!
Today’s Code word is LOGO. Our short devotional thought today features one of my favorite guys on the planet, Brother Lee Bryant. Lee has impacted thousands of people in Palm Coast and beyond over the years through his ministry as a Deacon and Deacon Chairman at our church. He continues to be one of the most influential men in my life even today. I can honestly say that the trajectory of my life changed when I met Brother Lee. I was a successful grocery store manager that loved his career. But, when I met Brother Lee in 2003, he asked me if I ever thought about serving the church as a Deacon. The decision to follow the Lord’s leading in the calling of a Deacon led me into full-time vocational ministry in August 2006. Then, in March 2016, God called me to be the Pastor here at First Baptist. The old adage says, “A long journey begins with a small step.” Brother Lee was instrumental in my first small step from career to calling. I am forever grateful.
Today’s Code word is the everyday word logo. We are familiar with the logos of our favorite team, favorite car, and favorite brands. We easily recognize the products and services familiar to us by their logos and branding. O.S. Hawkins challenges us today to represent the logo of Jesus Christ on our Journey to the Cross. He says something profound, “The Christian life is not a changed life. It is an exchanged life. You give Christ your old life, and He puts it away in the sea of forgetfulness. And He gives you a brand-new life, a new life in Christ. It is an awesome thought, Christ lives in me.” We literally wear Christ, His brand, His logo, so that others may see Him and recognize Him. Brother Lee says it like this, “Matthew 5:16 states: ‘Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven’. How about us using this passage as a Logo to a lost world. See ya tomorrow on our Journey to the Cross.
Pastor Kevin