Day 12: Meditating on God’s Word – Rev. Jonathan Rager

Through the meditation of God’s Word I seek a clear understanding of God’s Will for my life and His power to carry it out.
Joshua 1:8 Study this book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.

The meditation of God’s Word has three important elements.

  1. Remembering: remember the victories God has given you over sinful behaviors and impure sinful thoughts.
  2. Experiencing: experience God’s love, forgiveness and peace every time you confess your sins and put them to death.
  3. Learning: learn more about Jesus and His sacrifice for you. Learn from His examples while He was here on earth; how He responded to Satan tempting Him; how He treated the sick and the poor, and children and how He responded to His enemies. Meditate daily on these things. They will lead you toward God’s Will.


Rev. Jonathon Rager
Pastoral Care
